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250117 济南大学山东省医学科学院医学与生命科学学院山东省肿瘤医院放疗科
Volume and location of lumpectomy cavity delineated by metal clips and/or seroma on 4DCT for external-beam partial breast irradiation:a comparative study
DING Yun, LI Jian-bin, WANG Wei, MA Zhi-fang, XU Min, FAN Ting-yong, SHAO Qian, LIANG Chao-qian.
Department of Radiation Oncology, Shandong Tumor Hospital, Medicine and Life Sciences College of Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences,Ji′nan University, Ji′nan 250117, China
Objective To conduct a comparative study of the volume and location of the lumpectomy cavity delineated by metal clips and/or seroma on four-dimensional computed tomography (4DCT) for external-beam partial breast irradiation. Methods On 10 respiratory phases of 4DCT images with 15 breast cancer patients, gross tumor volumes (GTVS) were delineated based on the metal clips at the boundaries of surgical cavity, seroma, and metal clips plus seroma to obtain GTVC, GTVS, and GTVC+S, respectively. The volumes of GTVC, GTVS, and GTVC+S were measured, and the conformity index (CI), degree of inclusion (DI), and centroid distance between each two GTVS were calculated. One-way analysis of variance was used to compare volume and CI between GTVC, GTVS, and GTVC+S;the paired t-test was used for comparison of DI;the Pearson correlation test was used to investigate the relationship of CI and DI with centroid distance. Results The volumes of GTVC, GTVS, and GTVC+S were 23.15±13.34 cm3, 19.27±17.53 cm3, and 24.60±16.72 cm3, respectively (P=0.000). The CIs of GTVC vs GTVS, GTVC vs GTVC+S, and GTVS vs GTVC+S were 0.36±0.14, 0.60±0.14, and 0.53±0.20, respectively (P=0.000). The DI of GTVS in GTVC was significantly higher than that of GTVC in GTVS (0.67±0.21 vs 0.48±0.20, P=0.000);the DI of GTVC in GTVC+S was significantly higher than that of GTVC+S in GTVC (0.82±0.11 vs 0.71±0.19, P=0.000);the DI of GTVS in GTVC+S was significantly higher than that of GTVC+S in GTVS (0.91±0.14 vs 0.52±0.22;P=0.000). The DIs and CIs of GTVC vs GTVS, GTVC vs GTVC+S, and GTVS vs GTVC+Swere negatively correlated with their centroid distances (P=0.000 for all comparisons). Conclusions There are volume differences and spatial mismatches between the GTVS delineated based on metal clips, seroma, and metal clips plus seroma.
DING Yun,LI Jian-bin,WANG Wei et al. Volume and location of lumpectomy cavity delineated by metal clips and/or seroma on 4DCT for external-beam partial breast irradiation:a comparative study[J]. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology, 2013, 22(5): 361-364.
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