情报科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (7): 105-115.

• 业务研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2024-07-01 发布日期:2024-11-05

  • Online:2024-07-01 Published:2024-11-05

摘要: 【目的/意义】公共文化服务作为数字乡村建设的关键环节,其发展需要有效的政策体系支持,量化评价数 字乡村公共文化服务政策能够为数字乡村公共文化服务政策的制定和优化提供更坚实的学术参考。【方法/过程】 利用文本挖掘技术和PMC指数模型,构建数字乡村公共文化服务政策评价指标体系,其中包含10个一级变量和40 个二级变量,其次对12份政策样本进行实证分析,计算PMC指数,绘制PMC曲面。【结果/结论】我国数字乡村公共 文化服务政策整体态势良好,设计较为合理,但仍存在以下不足:政策前瞻性偏弱,激励力度有待加强,各政策主体 协同性不够及政策评价体系有待完善,对此本文提出相关建议。【创新/局限】利用文本挖掘法和统计学知识分析数 字乡村公共文化服务的政策文本,创新地结合 PMC指数模型对政策文本内容量化评估。未来研究需针对政策执 行效果展开深入探讨。

Abstract: 【Purpose/significance】As a key link in the construction of digital villages,the development of public cultural services re⁃ quires the support of an effective policy system.The quantitative evaluation of digital rural public cultural service policies can provide a more solid academic reference for the formulation and optimization of digital rural public cultural service policies【. Method/process】 The study uses text mining technology and PMC index model to build a digital rural public cultural service policy evaluation index sys⁃ tem, which includes 10 first-level variables and 40 second-level variables. Secondly, it conducts an empirical analysis of 12 policy samples, calculates the PMC index, and draws the PMC surface【. Result/conclusion】The results indicate that China’s digital rural pub⁃ lic cultural service policies have a generally good overall situation and are reasonably designed,but there are still the following short⁃ comings: weak policy foresightedness, insufficient incentive strength, inadequate coordination among policy subjects, and the policy evaluation system needs to be improved.This article puts forward relevant suggestions.【Innovation/limitation】This article uses text mining and statistical knowledge to analyze policy texts of digital rural public cultural services and innovatively combines the PMC in⁃ dex model to quantitatively evaluate the content of the policy text.Future research needs to further explore the implementation effect of policies