情报科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 85-90.

• 理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2021-05-01 发布日期:2021-05-01

  • Online:2021-05-01 Published:2021-05-01

摘要: 【目的/意义】在“新基建”背景下,加强信息基础设施建设能够更好推进我国信息化与工业化深度融合。【方 法/过程】基于2003~2018年省域数据,通过SYS-GMM动态面板数据模型,探讨了信息基础设施及其与城镇化交互 项对两化融合的动态影响。【结果/结论】信息基础设施及其与城镇化的交互效应对各地区两化融合具有持续性正 向促进作用,且随时间的增加对各地区两化融合的促进作用则呈现增强趋势,同时信息基础设施及其与城镇化的 交互效应对两化融合的促进作用存在显著的区域差异。【创新/局限】本文主要创新是实证分析了信息基础设施对 两化融合的影响,主要局限是两化融合存在较多影响因素,后续将进一步考察研发投入强度、消费水平等其他因素 的作用。

Abstract: 【Purpose/significance】In the background of "new infrastructure", the promotion of information infrastructure construction can stimulate the integration of informationization and industrialization.【Method/process】Based on the provincial data from 2003 to 2018, we explore the dynamic influence of the information infrastructure and its interaction with urbanization on the integration of in⁃ formationization and industrialization through the SYS-GMM dynamic panel data model .【Result/conclusion】Information infrastruc⁃ ture and its integration with urbanization have a positive effect on the integration of informationization and industrialization on a sus⁃ tained basis. The role of information infrastructure and its integration with urbanization in promoting the integration of informationiza⁃ tion and industrialization shows an increasing trend, and there are significant regional differences in the role of information infrastruc⁃ ture and its integration with urbanization in promoting the integration of informationization and industrialization.【Innovation/limita⁃ tion】The main contribution of this paper is to empirically analyze the impact of information infrastructure on the integration of informa⁃ tionization and industrialization. The main limitation is that there are many factors affecting the integration. Thus, future research can examine the possible effect of other factors such as R&D intensity and consumption level.