SSWCC  2007, Vol. 5 Issue (5): 79-82    DOI:
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Soil and water conservation of reservoir watershed and its water yield:A case study of Chaobaihe River Basin on the upper reaches of Miyun Reservoir
Wang Mingming<sup>1,2</sup>,Xie Yongsheng<sup>1,3</sup>,Wang Hengjun<sup>1</sup>,Song Xiuqing<sup>4</sup>,Zhang Huai<sup>5</sup>
1.Institute of Soil and Water Conservation,Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources,712100,Yangling,Shaanxi;2.Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences,100049,Beijing;3.Xi'an University of Technology,710048,Xi'an;4.Chengde Water Authority;5.Institute of Soil and Water Conservation: 067000,Chengde,Hebei:China
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