Slope Effect on Soil Erosion Under Different Land Use Types |
Zhang Jinchi,Zhuang Jiayao,Lin Jie |
Nanjing Forestry University, 210037,Nanjing,China |
Abstract Based on the analyzing of 55 available rainfall experimental data in Shangshehe small watershed with SAS software, the relationship between total rainfall surface runoff and various influence factors such as slope gradient, rainfall, rainfall intensity, grass coverage under different land use types cultivated slope land, Chinese fir land was studied. The results showed that the correlation between total surface runoff and erosion modulus with land use types and those influence factors above was significant. Within the scope of a given slope gradient, total surface runoff and erosion modulus on cultivated slope land increased with the increase of slope gradient. For Chinese fir land, the contrary condition was found.
Received: 30 March 2004