Eco-Construction Engineering Data base of Zhengxiangbai Banner Based on Remote Sensing Technology |
Cui Jianguo,Wang Fuxue,Shi Mingchang,Chen Shengli |
Graduate School of Beijing Forestry University, 100083, Beijing, China |
Abstract Zhengxiangbai banner of Inner Mongolia is located on the south fringe of Otindag sandy land, in which the situation of eco environment is pregnant with grim possibilities. The modern technology and information methods are urgently needed in the eco construction. In order to realize the resources data management and meet the needs of eco construction and environmental protection as well as providing detailed and basic datum to the local production and research departments, the method for eco construction engineering data base established by the remote sensing technology was discussed. The application of data base in the eco construction project management and dynamic monitoring was also probed into.
Received: 10 February 2004