SSWCC  2005, Vol. 3 Issue (2): 113-118    DOI:
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Ecological risk analysis and evaluation of water resources system:A case study of Xiangride oasis
Han Xiaozhuo1, Li Zizhen1,4 , Zhang Kebin2, Li Runjie3, Hui Cang1, Gao Meng4
1.Key Laboratory of Arid Agro-ecology, Ministry of Education, Lanzhou University, 730000, Lanzhou; 2.College of Soil and Water Conservation,
Beijing Forestry University, 100083, Beijing; 3.Institute of Hydrology and Electric Power of Qinghai Province, 810001, Xining; 4.Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Lanzhou University, 730000, Lanzhou: China
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