Carbon credit accounting method and application in soil and water conservation projects: A case study of comprehensive treatment in the Luodihe watershed |
LI Xiaoyan1, LI Zhiguang2, CHENG Hui2,3, WU Juan4, LU Shunfa4, XIE Jinsheng5, ZHONG Xiaojian5 |
1. Department of Liberal Arts, Research and Revision, Fujian Institute of Education, 350001, Fuzhou, China; 2. The Center of Soil and Water Conservation Monitoring, Ministry of Water Resources, 100053, Beijing, China; 3. Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Ministry of Water Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 712100, Yangling, Shaanxi, China; 4. Fujian Experimental Station of Soil and Water Conservation, 350003, Fuzhou, China; 5. Institute of Geography, Fujian Normal University, 350117, Fuzhou, China |
Abstract [Background] Promoting the construction of carbon credit assessment methods for soil and water conservation carbon sink projects is an important means to achieve China's carbon neutrality goal, but there is no study on the methodology for the evaluation of soil and water conservation carbon credit benefits. Soil and water conservation management in the Luodihe small watershed in Changting county is a typical comprehensive watershed management project, and the exploration of its carbon credit benefit is typical, which can provide some theoretical reference and technical support for the evaluation of carbon credit benefit in other related areas. [Methods] The carbon sink measurement method under the baseline and project scenarios was used to calculate the carbon sink benefits of the Luodihe Small Watershed Comprehensive Management Project, and the carbon credit accounting method of the soil and water conservation carbon sink project considering the carbon sink benefits, biodiversity measurement and community development benefits was proposed through participatory village assessment, field visits, literature surveys and other methods, and the carbon credit benefits of the comprehensive management of the Luodihe small Basin were analyzed by using this method. [Results] 1) It was found that after 20 years of comprehensive treatment, the carbon sink benefit of the Luodihe small watershed was 30 571.05 t, with an average annual value of 1 455.76 t/a, and the carbon sink benefit of the comprehensive management of soil and water conservation was significant.2) The assessment system of biodiversity and community development benefits of small watersheds was constructed, and the results of biodiversity assessment showed that the comprehensive management project of the small watershed of the Luodihe was a category I project, and its biodiversity was greatly improved. The results of community development benefit evaluation show that the community benefit of the Luodihe small watershed comprehensive management project is significant, and it is also a class I project. 3) The carbon credit benefit and carbon sink benefit of the small watershed of the Luodi River were consistent, which was 30 571.05 t, with an average annual value of 1 455.76 t/a. The carbon credits of the integrated management of the Luodihe small watershed effectively reflect the multiple benefits of comprehensive management activities, such as carbon sequestration, emission reduction, sink increase, diversity restoration, and poverty eradication. [Conclusions] This study constructs a carbon credit accounting method for soil and water conservation projects, which provides a methodology for soil and water conservation carbon credit accounting in the small watershed of Luodihe, and also provides a certain reference for carbon credit accounting for related projects, which is conducive to promoting the value realization and transformation of soil and water conservation carbon sink ecological products.
Received: 09 April 2024
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