Recent progress on ecosystem services functions of soil and water conservation measures |
SUN Liying1, LI Qingya1,2, CAI Qiangguo2, CHEN Lajiao3, WU Hui4,5 |
1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, 100101, Beijing, China; 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100049, Beijing, China; 3. Aerospace Information Research Institute, CAS, 100094, Beijing, China; 4. Smart City Research Center, Hangzhou Dianzi University, 310012, Hangzhou, China; 5. Zhejiang Regional Collaborative Innovation Center for Smart Cities, 310012, Hangzhou, China |
Abstract [Background] Soil and water conservation measures are critical for soil erosion control and land resources protection. Meanwhile, soil and water conservation measures provide various ecosystem services functions, such as regulation of hydrological flows, soil conservation and improvement, air purification, and wind and sand consolidation. In recent years, the ecosystem services functions of soil and water conservation measures have attracted considerable attention and become a hot spot, and understanding the ecosystem services functions of soil and water conservation measures would help to achieve harmony between human and nature.[Methods] Based on the available literature, we summarized the research progress on the ecosystem services functions of soil and water conservation measures. First we analyzed the concept and connotation on the ecosystem service functions of soil and water conservation measures. Then we classified the major ecosystem service functions of soil and water conservation measures. Further we summarized the evaluation systems for ecosystem services of soil and water conservation measures and classified the evaluation methodology adopted current research. Finally, we discussed the limits on the studies of ecosystem service functions of soil and water conservation measures, and highlighted research key points for future study.[Results] 1) Ecosystem services functions of soil and water conservation measures refer to the benefits derived from soil and water conservation, which help to protect and sustain human and natural environment, including regulating services, supporting services, provisioning services, and cultural services. 2) Quite a few studies have focused on basic theory of evaluation systems on ecosystem service functions of soil and water conservation measures, and few researchers established the evaluation index system. Current evaluation methods include:statistic data-based, and remote sensing, GIS and erosion models-based. 3) Issues of existing researches and the key points of future work are stated as follow. Firstly, the basic theory of evaluation systems on ecosystem service functions of soil and water conservation measures is weak, and thorough and authoritative index evaluation system is lack. Regional differentiation of soil and water loss should be taken into account in studying basic theory of evaluation systems on ecosystem service functions of soil and water conservation measures. Secondly, evaluation methods based on statistic data is restricted to assess the current or past ecosystem services functions of soil and water conservation; while methods based on RS, GIS and models mainly relied on empirical models and is lacking the ability in well represent the soil erosion process. More attentions should be paid to quantitative evaluation method for the higher accurate evaluation and prediction on ecosystem service functions of soil and water conservation measures. Thirdly, as spatial allocation of water and soil conservation measures determine landscape layout and ecosystem processes, the impact of spatial allocation of water and soil conservation measures on ecosystem service should be concerned in the future.[Conculsions] The research progress and future reseach points on the ecosystem service function of soil and water conservation measures are summaried, aiming atproviding readers guidelines for research, application and decision-making of soil and water conservation measures.
Received: 09 January 2020
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