SSWCC  2015, Vol. 13 Issue (5): 43-51    DOI:
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Implication of various growth characteristics of slope forests of Larix principisrupprechtii for indicating the water-carrying capacity of forest/vegetation in Diediegou of Liupan Mountains of China
Han Xinsheng1,2,3, Wang Yanhui2, Deng Lilan3, Xiong Wei2, Yu Pengtao2, Li Zhenhua2,Wang Yanbing2, Liu Qian2
1. Institute of Desertification Control, Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, 750002, Yinchuan, China; 2. Institute of Forest Ecology, Environment and Protection, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Key Laboratory of Forestry Ecology and Environment of State Forestry Administration, 100091, Beijing, China; 3. Forestry College of Southwest Forestry University, 650224, Kunming, China
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