Current status and thoughts on international standardization in the field of mitigating land degradation and combating desertification
CUI Xianghui1,2, QUE Xiao'e1, YANG Liu1
1. Institute of Desertification Studies, Chinese Academy of Forestry, 100091, Beijing, China; 2. National Technical Committee 365 on the Desert Prevention and Control of Standardization Administration of China, 100091, Beijing, China
Abstract:[Background] Land degradation and desertification are the major global ecological issues threating the human living environment and development. The study and formulation of relevant international standards and their application will contribute to the efficient and orderly implementation of land degradation and desertification control at the global, national and regional levels. [Methods] The paper briefly reviews the current status and prevailing trend of global land degradation and desertification, analyzes the today’s development of international standardization in land degradation and desertification control, and summarizes the development processes and achievements initiated by the International Standardization Organization (ISO) from sorting out standardizations in land degradation and desertification control by studying a large number of literatures. Based on achieving the global goal of "zero growth in land degradation" and fulfilling international conventions, the necessities to initiate the development of international standardization in the field of land degradation and desertification control were discussed. [Results] 1)There is an urgent need to establish international standards of terminology, methods, techniques and management to further guide action and planning to combat land degradation and desertification on global scale.2)Based on the global requirement and national priority potential in the field of land degradation and desertification control in China, concrete efforts and measures are proposed to promote the development and further initiatives to launch the international standardization in the field of land degradation neutrality and desertification rehabilitation, such as improving the standard system, cultivating standard talents, service One Belt and One Road strategy, proposing international standards, and enhancing international influence. 3)The coming new technical committee on land degradation and desertification control (LDC-TC) will effectively carry out closer consultation and strengthening cooperation with UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and relevant international organizations, perfecting international standard system, improving basic standards, proposing international standards, and providing specific and operable technical guidelines for combating land degradation and desertification. [Conclusions] In order to promote the international standardization process, it is proposed to 1) establish a secretariat in China for launching the efforts and development of the international standardization to mitigate land degradation and combat desertification; 2) set up a technical committee on land degradation and desertification control (LDC-TC) under the leadership of ISO to develop work plan and mobilize resources, including scopes, tasks, working mechanism, and goals.
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