Multistage separated-slopes and reversed-platforms stabilizing technology for spontaneous combustion coal gangue heaps
Chen Wenying, Wang Xiaojun, Xin Ya, Wang Bing, Mei Aoxue, Wen Meijia
1. School of Environmental and Resource Sciences of Shanxi University, 030006, Taiyuan, China;2. Shanxi Green Giant Environmental Science and Technology Ltd. , 030000, Taiyuan, China
摘要煤矿矸石山极易发生自燃、滑坡等现象,其治理时的山体整形需将彻底灭火、防复燃、山体稳定与植被恢复相结合。在总结实体工程运行和实用施工技术经验的基础上,提出自燃矸石山多级隔坡反台山体稳定技术。通过隔坡布设方式、隔坡长度、反台宽度等系列数据组合的对比研究,取得隔坡反台山体稳定技术理论模型,并在具体工程实践中予以验证其适用性和有效性。该技术将此类矸石山坡面自上而下整理成隔坡与反台依次相间的坡面,隔坡长度设为10 m 左右、反台宽度设为2郾5 m 左右,并设置山体排水-蓄水系统、柔性坡脚、微地形、土矸混合、植被恢复等配套设施和措施,达到山体的稳定。南坪山矸石山治理后的结果证明该技术措施因地制宜、经济上可行、治理效果好,较好地解决了矸石山易自燃、复燃及山体难以稳定的问题,可在同类煤矸石山治理中加以借鉴。
Abstract:Coal gangue heaps formed by refuse discharging system in coal mining process take a large proportion of industrial solid wastes in Shanxi, China. They occupy lots of land resources and cause various environmental problems such as spontaneous combustions and landslides. Conventional measures to control coal gangue heaps are costly and challenging. To keep coal gangue hills in a steady state, an integrated technology is needed which covers thoroughly extinguishing, burnback preventing, slope reinforcing and revegetation. For this purpose, we propose the technology of separated-slopes and
reversed-platforms of spontaneous combustion coal gangue heaps on the basis of summarizing the experience of actual engineering implementation and practical construction technology. It combines heap
shaping treatment based on the hypothesis of series data which consist of separated-slopes disposition pattern, the length of separated-slopes and the width of reversed-platforms etc. Here, separated-slope is the coal gangue slope separated along the contour into several slopes, and reversed-platform is the artificial terrace floor between two separated-slopes with the angles inwardly tilted for two degrees. Based on the studies above, we propose the theoretical model of spontaneous combustion coal gangue multistage separated-slopes and reversed-platforms stabilizing technology which has been practically tested in the real conditions of coal gangue on Mount. Nanping in Shanxi Province. Coal gangue heaps were reshaped into grading surfaces from top to bottom with separated-slopes and reversed-platforms. Considering the local precipitation, surface erosion, coal gangue slope and physical properties, the critical length of separated-slopes is 10 m. And the theoretical width of reversed-platforms is 2.5 m according to the width of construction machine, the depth of high temperature zones and the local topography. We also employed supporting facilities like drainage and water-storage system, flexible slope toes, microrelief, loess-gangue mixture and revegetation to ensure the slope stability. Our research has proved our proposed technology a locally adaptive, economical and effective solution in the issues of spontaneous combustion, burnback and hillside instability, and in the future, this model can be referenced when dealing with the coal gangue hill problems of the similar types.