情报科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (7): 49-60.

• 理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2023-08-01 发布日期:2023-08-22

  • Online:2023-08-01 Published:2023-08-22


响力评价指标体系,涵盖学术影响力、决策影响力、社会影响力、国际影响力和经济影响力 5个一级指标及 24个二


【Purpose/significance】 Open science has entered a new stage of global consensus. Building a measurable open scientific
dataset influence evaluation indicator system can effectively quantify the influence of open science data in China, and provide a basis for improving strategic policy formulation, releasing the value of scientific data, and enhancing China's international discourse power in the field of scientific data.【Method/process】 This article constructs measurable characteristic indicators based on literature research and work practice, and uses expert scoring method to screen and determine evaluation indicators; AHP is used to obtain the weight of all evaluation indicators by quantifying the selected full-view, scientific and representative samples and indicators.【Result/conclu⁃sion】 This article constructs an measurable influence evaluation indicator system of open scientific dataset that can be measured from a full view, including 5 first-level indicators of academic influence, decision-making influence, social influence, international influ⁃ence and economic influence, as well as 24 second-level indicators. It is concluded that the academic achievements, social impact,government decision-making and international cooperation supported by the open scientific dataset are important components of scien⁃tific data influence evaluation, and the economic value of scientific dataset is widely recognized currently.【Innovation/limitation】Combined with the evaluation data of authoritative experts, the measurable open scientific dataset evaluation index system is con⁃structed by using the AHP to provide reference for quantitative evaluation data. Limited by the length of the article, the empirical re⁃search on quantitative evaluation of scientific dataset has not been carried out yet.