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  1. 长春工业大学

Research on the Evolution and Path of Public Opinions about Teachers' Ethics in Colleges and Universities Based on LDA Model




LDA, 微博, 高校师德, 舆情演化, 路径传导


Purpose/significanceConstructing the LDA model of user reviews of university teachersmorals and public opinion on Weibo, the identification of the evolution characteristics of public opinion and the analysis of the network topic propagation path under this topic, can more accurately identify the evolution characteristics of public opinion and analyze the propagation path of key topics, helping universities and education The department conducts public opinion supervision and public opinion guidance more effectively.Method/processThis article takes the event of "a professor of Tianjin University academic fraud" as an example. Based on the LDA model, the topic generation model of Weibo users under the public opinion of teachersethics in colleges and universities is constructed. The confusion evaluation index is used to determine the optimal number of topics in the LDA model, and information entropy is used to determine each The topic intensity of the topic on different dates is displayed through the keyword co-occurrence knowledge graph and word cloud to show the public opinion topic, and finally the topic transmission path is determined based on the topic similarity.Result/conclusionThe microblog user comment topic generation model and co-occurrence knowledge graph based on the LDA model can analyze the important topic hotspots of the network user community. The LDA model and information entropy can accurately identify the evolutionary characteristics of public opinion, identify the optimal propagation path of the topic, and guide the public opinion.Innovation/limitationThe article innovatively constructs the LDA topic model of academic moral public opinion in colleges and universities, effectively determines the subject of Weibo user groups, identifies the evolutionary characteristics of public opinion, and analyzes the communication path between topics. It is universal, it further expands the analysis of other public opinions of college teachersethics and the integrated network Public sentiment analysis is the next research content.

Key words:

LDA, Weibo, College Teachers' Ethics, Public opinion evolution, Path conduction