情报科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (4): 167-174.

• 博士论坛 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2024-04-05 发布日期:2024-06-08

  • Online:2024-04-05 Published:2024-06-08




【Purpose/significance】Through the research on the characteristics of high-value patents, it helps to accurately identify
high-value patents and provides reference for the national implementation of the patent quality improvement project.【Method/pro⁃
cess】 Taking the Chinese Patent Gold Medal Patent as a case study, we use the fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis method to ex⁃
plore the characteristics of high-value patent indicators from the group perspective.【Result/conclusion】The study finds that: the re⁃
maining validity period, the number of claims, and the size of patent family are the key indicators for identifying high-value patents,
the multiple combinations of the three-dimensional indicators of law, technology, and market form the diversified indicator grouping of
high-value patents, and the high-value patents are classified into the ideal-type high-value patents, technology-led high-value pat⁃
ents, technology-led high-value patents, and high-value patents. The study classifies high-value patents into four types: ideal high
value patents, technology-led high-value patents, market-led high-value patents and technology-economic high-value patents. The
findings of the study can provide guidance for enterprises to identify high-value patents.【Innovation/limitation】The use of qualitative
comparative analysis for high-value patent evaluation study can consider the patent characteristics more comprehensively, which pro⁃
vides a new research vision for high-value patent evaluation study. However, this paper only selects China Patent Gold Award as the
research object, and in the future, we can consider selecting other high-value patent objects for more adequate research.