情报科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (3): 12-20.
- 【目的/意义】如何对文献类文物信息资源进行有效的组织和利用,挖掘其中隐含的信息并进行可视化展
- 【Purpose/significance】How to effectively organize and utilize documentary cultural relics information resources, dig out the
hidden information and visualize them, which is a key segment in the development and utilization of cultural relics information re‐
sources.【Process/method】Using literature evidence-based methods to conduct in-depth mining of cultural relics information re‐
sources, and then constructing a knowledge graph based on the ontology model of cultural relics information resources, and visualizing cultural relics information resources in the form of force-oriented graphs.【Result/conclusion】A visual display of the literature re‐sources in the field of Dunhuang murals was realized, and the similarity of research interests between authors and institutions was dis‐covered based on the knowledge graph.【Innovation/limitation】Based on the literature evidence-based research perspective, this pa‐per proposes a method for constructing topic graph of cultural relics information resources, and uses academic literature as an example to carry out empirical research on the construction and application of topic graph in the field of Dunhuang murals.In the future, further research needs extend the data source and improve the strategies and methods in order to optimize the literature evidence-based prac‐tice of cultural relics information resources.