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2010, Vol. 8 Issue (4) :79-85    DOI:
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Analysis on variation characteristics of the rainfall erosivity during last 58 years in Shandong Province
Ma Liang 1,2,Zuo Changqing 3,Yin Zhongdong 4,Qiu Guoyu 5*
1.State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology,College of Resources Science and Technology,Beijing Normal University,100875,Beijing;2.Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Environment of Shandong Province,Water Resources Research Institute of Shandong Province,250013,Jinan;3.Research Center on Soil and Water Conservation of the Ministry of Water Resources,100044,Beijing;4.College of Soil and Water Conservation,Beijing Forestry University,100083,Beijing;5.School of Environment and Energy,Shenzhen Graduate School of Beijing University,518055,Shenzhen,Guangdong: China

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Abstract The objective of this paper is to investigate the variation tendency of rainfall erosivity in Shandong Province with long-term rainfall data series,as an initial step in the study of the consequences of climatic change on water erosion.On the basis of precipitation database collected by 22 meteorological stations in the Shandong Province during the period of 1951—2008,the spatiotemporal variability of the long-term rainfall erosivity changes is analyzed in this paper.The Mann-Kendall test is applied to develop the time series of annual,seasonal and monthly rainfall erosivity in the Shandong Province.Results show that the mean annual rainfall erosivity from 22 stations do not show a statistical trend,which is mainly caused by that the summer erosivity occupies a highest proportion in four seasons and has not distinct regularity.However,rainfall erosivity in spring and winter,especially in February,May and December shows the increasing trend.The analysis of the rainfall erosivity variability between regions clearly describes the strong local temporal and spatial variation in Shandong Province.Spatially,the middle–southern of Shandong region located with the national and provincial erosion control zones shows an obvious increasing area of rainfall erosivity.
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Ma Liang,Zuo Changqing,Yin Zhongdong,Qiu Guoyu.Analysis on variation characteristics of the rainfall erosivity during last 58 years in Shandong Province[J]  , 2010,V8(4): 79-85
http://www.sswcc.org//EN/     or     http://www.sswcc.org//EN/Y2010/V8/I4/79
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