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2010, Vol. 8 Issue (3) :121-124    DOI:
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 BANG  Dong-Shui, CHEN  Ji-Hu, JIANG  De-Wen, TU  Ze-Qing*
Peng Dongshui1; Chen Jihu2; Jiang Dewen2; Yu Zeqing1 (1.Jiangxi Province Supervision Station for Soil and Water Conservation; 330009; Nanchang; 2.Monitoring Center of Soil and Water Conservation; MWR; 100055; Beijing:China)

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Abstract Disturbed ground areas of agricultural and forestry projects stand first on the list in all kinds of developmental items.A series of actions that include felling,transportation,soil preparation and plantation cause ground vegetation and covering purged.Based on major technical index analysis in agricultural and forestry projects,influence analysis in soil erosion and ecology environment,field research and law,regulation,technical specification,standard and plans,this article put forward permitted requirements of soil and water conservation for approval,restricted approval and delayed approval in agricultural and forestry projects,and general permitted requirements for admission of soil and water conservation plan.This research can provide theoretical basis and technological support for national macro-policy-making and investment consultation.
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BANG Dong-Shui
TU Ze-Qing
Keywords�� agricultural and forestry projects   soil and water conservation   permitted requirement     
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BANG Dong-Shui, CHEN Ji-Hu, JIANG De-Wen, TU Ze-Qing.[J]  , 2010,V8(3): 121-124
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