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2010, Vol. 8 Issue (3) :20-27    DOI:
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AHP analysis of soil and water conservation ecological fragility assessment in Yimeng Mountain Area of Huaihe River Valley
 Wang  Yanbeng 1, Liu  Xia 1, Tao Xiaoyou 2, Zhang  Guangcan 1, Dong  Zhi 1, Gao  Peng 1*

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Abstract Using analytic hierarchy process(AHP) method,the ecological fragility of different land-use types,such as forest land,farmland,grassland and bare land in Yimeng Mountain Area of Huaihe River Valley,was studied by selecting some indices that could represent quantatively the ecological characteristics of vegetation,landform and physiognomy,ground property and soil condition of each land-use type in Yimeng Mountain Area,to make the strategy of soil and water conservation for this area.Results show that the weight of soil erosion area ratio is the largest in all selected indices,which is 0.4412.The second is the thickness of humus layer,which is 0.2252.The third is litter thickness of ground surface,which is 0.1505.In all land-use types of Yimeng Mountain Area,the ecological fragility degree of economic forest land is largest(0.7295,located between 0.60-0.75),belonging to middle fragility class.The fragility degree of farmland and thining-young forestland is larger,which is 0.5658 and 0.5672 respectively,located between 0.45-0.60,belonging to general fragility class.And the fragility degree of grassland is 0.4154(<0.45),belonging to potential fragility class.The fragility degree of ecological forest land is only 0.1834,belonging to non-fragility class.So,the soil loss control of economic forest should be paid more attention.
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Articles by authors
WANG Yan-Beng
TAO Xiao-You
ZHANG Guang-Can
GAO Feng
Keywords�� land-use type   ecological fragility   AHP analysis   Yimeng Mountain Area     
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WANG Yan-Beng, LIU Xia, TAO Xiao-You, ZHANG Guang-Can, DONG Zhi, GAO Peng.AHP analysis of soil and water conservation ecological fragility assessment in Yimeng Mountain Area of Huaihe River Valley[J]  , 2010,V8(3): 20-27
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