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2010, Vol. 8 Issue (3) :1-7    DOI:
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Research on regional soil erosion intensity assessment:Taking the Ansai County as an example
Wang Chunmei 1,Yang Qinke 1,2,Wang Qi 1,Cheng Lin 3,Guo Weiling 1,Liu Yongmei 1,2*
1.Institute of Soil and Water Conservation; Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources; 712100; Yangling; Shaanxi; 2.College of Urban and Environment; Northwest University; 710069; Xi’an; 3.College of Resources and Environment; Northwestern A&F University; 712100; Yangling; Shaanxi: China

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Abstract This article inquired into talked about the improvements in calculating slope gradient,vegetation coverage and the working processes and working styles for soil erosion assessment,taking the Ansai County as an example.The results showed that: There were great change in slope gradient after re-scaling of slope gradient calculated from DEM with 50m resolution.Slope gradient in 98% of the studied area became larger with a varied extent.Mean slope gradient in the studied area increased by 14.5°.There was an increase in steep areas and a decrease in flat areas.The results of the slope gradient calculated were much more near the practical.The result of vegetation coverage calculated dy the improved method was smaller compared with the method by current method.Based on the improved method,the average of vegetation coverage decreased by 11.8%.Soil erosion assessment was calculated by computer automatically by the AML program.The assessment process was easy to repeat and the result was more impersonal and reasonable.
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WANG Chun-Mei
GUO Wei-Ling
LIU Yong-Mei
Keywords�� soil erosion intensity grade   GIS   slope gradient   vegetation coverage   Ansai County     
Received 2009-07-06;
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WANG Chun-Mei, YANG Qi-Ke, WANG Qi, CHENG Lin, GUO Wei-Ling, LIU Yong-Mei.Research on regional soil erosion intensity assessment:Taking the Ansai County as an example[J]  , 2010,V8(3): 1-7
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