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2010, Vol. 8 Issue (3) :99-103    DOI:
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Permitted requirements of soil and water conservation for coal chemical industry projects
 ZHANG  Qiang-Qiong, DANG  Wei-Qi, CHEN  Zheng-Xin, LI  He, BAO  Zhu, ZHANG  Yao-Ge*

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Abstract Coal chemical industry projects consume huge amount of water and have considerable impacts on regional water resource balance and ecology environment.Such activities as digging,filling,building during the construction will damage the vegetation cover on the surface,result in land bareness and aggravate soil erosion and water loss,even lead to deterioration of peripheral ecology environment;much waste water and residue released during the production will have immense negative impacts on peripheral ecology environment.Most of the coal chemical industry projects of our country are allocated in mountainous,hilly,and sandstorm-stricken areas with insufficient water resource and weak ecology environment,therefore those areas are suffer seriously from soil erosion and water loss and environment problems.In light of the related laws,rules,national development guidelines,national codes,industry development program,industry allocation,and technical norms,etc,in accordance of scientific outlook on development,resources conserving and environment friendly society,with our focus on protecting soil and water resources and effective prevention and treatment of the soil erosion and water loss as a result of coal chemical industry project construction and production,on three levels of approval,restricted approval and delayed approval,the research has put forward the permitted rquirements of soil and water conservation for coal chemical industry projects.
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ZHANG Qiang-Qiong
CHEN Zheng-Xin
Keywords�� coal chemical industry project   soil and water conservation   permitted requirement     


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ZHANG Qiang-Qiong, DANG Wei-Qi, CHEN Zheng-Xin, LI He, BAO Zhu, ZHANG Yao-Ge.Permitted requirements of soil and water conservation for coal chemical industry projects[J]  , 2010,V8(3): 99-103
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