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2010, Vol. 8 Issue (3) :74-77    DOI:
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Permitted requirements of soil and water conservation for hydraulic engineering projects
 WANG  Xiang-Dong, ZHANG  Feng, HE  Fan, LIU  Ai-Zhang*

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Abstract The hydraulic engineering is characterized by large scale,long duration and more land occupation,with enormous soil erosion and relatively serious hazards.In order to estimates and replies to soil and water conservation plan with the specific criteria,the study summarized the types and the features of soil erosion of hydraulic engineering.On the basis of related resources of the laws,standards and plans,2 sorts of permitted requirements of soil and water conservation for construction projects are proposed.
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WANG Xiang-Dong
HE Fan
LIU Ai-Zhang
Keywords�� hydraulic engineering   soil and water conservation   permitted requireme     
Cite this article:   
WANG Xiang-Dong, ZHANG Feng, HE Fan, LIU Ai-Zhang.Permitted requirements of soil and water conservation for hydraulic engineering projects[J]  , 2010,V8(3): 74-77
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