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2010, Vol. 8 Issue (3) :43-54+58    DOI:
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Universal items on of permitted requirements of soil and water conservation for production and construction projects
 JIANG  De-Wen, GUO  Suo-Pan, DIAO  Yong-Jun, DANG  Wei-Qi, CHEN  Ji-Hu, WANG  Yun-Zhang*

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Abstract On the basis of national laws,program of national economy and social development,planning of industries development,national industry policies and the national and industrial standards,by means of systematic collection,contrastive analysis,105 items of permitted requirements of soil and water conservation have been put forward for production and construction project,Among the 105 items 86 are fundamental items,7 are for restricting access and 12 are for delaying approval;86 items of permitted requirements of the soil and water conservation plan have been put forward for production and construction project,among which 16 are fundamental items,35 are special items for different zones,12 are special items for different projects types,12 are items that require the constructor and designer to rectify the main-building plan and 11 are items that require the revision and improvement of soil and water conservation plan.A total of 191 items of permitted requirements of soil and water conservati on for production and construction project have been put forward.
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GUO Suo-Pan
DIAO Yong-Jun
WANG Yun-Zhang
Keywords�� production and construction project   soil and water conservation   permitted requirement   universal item     
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JIANG De-Wen, GUO Suo-Pan, DIAO Yong-Jun, DANG Wei-Qi, CHEN Ji-Hu, WANG Yun-Zhang.Universal items on of permitted requirements of soil and water conservation for production and construction projects[J]  , 2010,V8(3): 43-54+58
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