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2010, Vol. 8 Issue (3) :28-37    DOI:
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Integrated assessment on soil quality in the water-wind erosion region of the Loess Plateau area
 BAI  Wen-Juan, ZHENG  Fen-Chi, DONG  Chi-Li, DING  Xiao-Bin*

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Abstract In order to clarify the changes and level of soil quality in the water-wind erosion region of the Loess Plateau area,this paper established a Minimum Data Set(MDS) for soil quality assessment by the methods of sensitivity analysis,principal components analysis,and correlation analysis,quantitatively evaluated effects of vegetation succession stages and different vegetation restoration types on soil quality based on integrated indictors and MDS.The results showed that MDS included soil organic matter content,available phosphorus,invertase activity,and fungi.The trend of integrated fertility index(IFI) changes was partially U shape,namely,showing a decrease in 15 years following abandonment,but an increase after 15 years.Considering different vegetation types,the values of IFI ranked in the order: Robinia pseudoacacia forestland,cropland,abandoned farmland,Pinus tabulaeformis forestland,Artemisia desertorum land,Caragana korshinskii land,Populus simonii thining forestland.Established MDS could reflect the information of integrated indicators and results of assessment were of better representative.Conclusively,soil fertility level in the study area was low.Therefore,the task of eco-environmental rehabilitation is till very arduous,and how to shorten the evolution stage of soil quality in earlier vegetation succession should be addressed.
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BAI Wen-Juan
DING Xiao-Bin
Keywords�� soil quality   vegetation succession   abandoned farmland   the water-wind erosion region of the Loess Plateau Area     
Cite this article:   
BAI Wen-Juan, ZHENG Fen-Chi, DONG Chi-Li, DING Xiao-Bin.Integrated assessment on soil quality in the water-wind erosion region of the Loess Plateau area[J]  , 2010,V8(3): 28-37
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