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2010, Vol. 8 Issue (2) :8-14    DOI:
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Contrast on soil anti-erodibility of main soils in the source area of Ganjiang River
YIN Xian-Beng, ZHOU Yun-Chao, LUO Meng, ZHANG Ma-Gen, TU Zheng-Liang, YANG Xiao-Mao*
1.Forestry College of Guizhou University; 550025; Guiyang; 2.Forestry Bureau of Shicheng in Jiangxi; 342700; Shicheng; Jiangxi; 3.Shicheng Administrative Station of Source Area of Ganjiang River Nature Reserve; 342700; Shicheng; Jiangxi; 4.Ruijin Administrative Station of Source Area of Ganjiang River Nature Reserve; 342500; Ruijin; Jiangxi:China

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Abstract For the research to soil anti-erodibility of main soils in the source area of Ganjiang River in Jiangxi Province,the anti-erodibility index of various soil,such as organic matter content,bulk density,corrosion resistance index,aggregation condition,aggregation degree,dispersion rate,dispersion coefficient,the rate of structural damage,and water-stable aggregate content and so on were determined,and the principal component analysis(PCA) to follow the comparison was used.The results indicated: the discending order of soil anti-erodibility was mountain coppice soil(74.67),yellow soil(61.90),mountain yellow-red earth(47.26),yellow red earth(44.77),purplish soil(39.79),red earth(28.34).Moreover,several measures should be taken to improve soil anti-erodibility,such as,increasing the vegetation coverage,reducing the man-made damage and increasing fertilization in areas of Red earth and Purplish soil.Many propaganda works should be developed within mass to enhance their environment concern and  prevent soil and water from being destroyed in the process of harnessing in areas of Mountain yellow-red earth and Yellow red earth.Besides,current eco-environment should be maintained while it was utilized comprehensively and a number of actions that resulted in soil erosion should be held back as far as possible in the areas of Mountain coppice soil and Yellow soil.The content of soil organic,aggregation degree and the aggregation condition were the best factors of appraising soil anti-erodibility in the source area of Ganjiang River
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YIN Xian-Beng
ZHOU Yun-Chao
LUO Meng
TU Zheng-Liang
YANG Xiao-Mao
Keywords�� soil anti-erodibility   soil types   soil and water loss   principal component analysis   source area of Ganjiang River     
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YIN Xian-Beng, ZHOU Yun-Chao, LUO Meng, ZHANG Ma-Gen, TU Zheng-Liang, YANG Xiao-Mao.Contrast on soil anti-erodibility of main soils in the source area of Ganjiang River[J]  , 2010,V8(2): 8-14
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