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2010, Vol. 8 Issue (2) :1-7    DOI:
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Evolution of soil anti-erodiblity of Robinia pseudoacacia L.plantation at different ages in Hilly-gully region of Loess Plateau
Zhang Chao1; 2, Liu Guobin1, Xue Sha1, Yu Na3*
1.Institute of Soil and Water Conservation; Chinese Academy of Sciences & Ministry of Water Resources; Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University; 712100; Yangling; Shaanxi; 2.Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; 100049; Beijing; 3.Guizhou University; 550025; Guiyang: China

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Abstract In order to reveal the effects of plantation on soil anti-erodibility,Robinia pseudoacacia plantation at different ages in Hilly-gully region of Loess Plateau was chosen to analyze the changes of soil anti-erodibility,and the slope cropland was used as contrasts.The results indicate that the contents of >0.25 mm soil water-stable aggregates,>0.5 mm soil water-stable aggregates,mean weight diameter and organic C increase significantly compared with slope cropland and increase with ages.Aggregate state and aggregate degree are improved markedly compared with slope cropland and declined firstly then raised with increasing of ages.Ratio of soil structure deterioration,dispersive rate and disporsive coefficient take on wavelike drop.Small microaggregates and mechanical composition transform into ones with much bigger diameter.Results of correlation analysis shows that the >0.25 mm soil water-stable aggregates,>0.5 mm soil water-stable aggregates,mean weight diameter and organic C positively correlated with N,available N,available K and total P(P<0.05),but negative with soil density.High negative correlation is observed between ratio of structure deteriorative,dispersive rate,dispersive coefficient and total N,available N,total P.Soil anti-erodibility index(I)rise with increase of ages and can generally reflect the change of soil anti-erodibility.It can be concluded that the poor soil anti-erodibility of slope cropland under erosive environment owing to human cultivation activities is improved greatly by plantation.
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LIU Guo-Ban
Keywords�� Robinia pseudoacacia L.plantation   soil anti-erodibility   soil anti-erodibility index   Hilly-gully region of Loess Plateau     
Received 2009-05-29;
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ZHANG Chao, LIU Guo-Ban, XUE Sha, TU Na.Evolution of soil anti-erodiblity of Robinia pseudoacacia L.plantation at different ages in Hilly-gully region of Loess Plateau[J]  , 2010,V8(2): 1-7
http://www.sswcc.org//EN/     or     http://www.sswcc.org//EN/Y2010/V8/I2/1
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