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�й�ˮ�����ֿ�ѧ 2010, Vol. 8 Issue (4) :101-104    DOI:
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Soil and water conservation in the riverfront forest park construction in Beijing
Jin Xinhong*
Beijing Institute Of Hydraultc Engineering Planning,Design &Research,100048,Beijing,China

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Abstract�� The construction of riverfront forest park is not only as a significant measure to improve the eco-environment of living,but also as a soil and water conservation project in essence.However,soil erosion will be generated during the construction process inevitably.In this paper the construction process is analyzed and based on the form and reasons of soil erosion,taking the Beijing Fangshan New town Riverfront Forest Park as an example,the layout of soil and water conservation measures and engineering design steps in the construction of the riverfront forest park in Beijing are submitted. 
���º�.��������ɭ�ֹ�԰�����е�ˮ������[J]  �й�ˮ�����ֿ�ѧ, 2010,V8(4): 101-104
Jin Xinhong.Soil and water conservation in the riverfront forest park construction in Beijing[J]  , 2010,V8(4): 101-104
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