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�й�ˮ�����ֿ�ѧ 2010, Vol. 8 Issue (4) :39-44    DOI:
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Vertical stratification of soil moisture profile of Robinia pseudoacacia plantation in Loess Region
 Zhang Bo,Zhang Jianjun,Li Yitao,Sui Xuhong,Zheng Fang,Lu Qian*
College of Soil and Water Conservation,Beijing Forestry University,100083,Beijing,China

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Abstract�� For dividing the vertical soil moisture profile of Robinia pseudoacacia stand from the perspective of evapotranspiration in Loess Region,soil water content surveys has been carried out in Caijiachuan small basin for observing the characteristics of evapotranspiration.By using gray relational analysis and sequential clustering method,soil moisture vertical stratification of Robinia pseudoacacia stand had been worked out.The results showed that: from the perspective of evapotranspiration,we can divide the vertical soil moisture profiles of Robinia pseudoacacia stand into surface plant consumption layer(0-10 cm),understory shrub consumption layer(10-40 cm) and Robinia pseudoacacia consumption layer(40-150 cm);gray relational analysis and sequential clustering method can be used in vertical stratification of soil moisture profile.This method is based on rigorous mathematical method,and the results consistent with existing conclusions,so this method has higher credibility,and can provide a new reference for soil moisture studying of Robinia pseudoacacia stand.

ʮһ��Ƽ�֧��ר��“������ԭ��ʪ����ˮ������ֲ���ָ���������ʾ��”(2006BAD03A1204);;The Sumitomo Foundation“�й�������ԭˮ������������ɢ�������ܶ��о�”(083085)

�Ų�,�Ž���,������,�����,֣��,«ٻ.�������̻��ֵ�����ˮ������Ĵ�ֱ�ֲ�[J]  �й�ˮ�����ֿ�ѧ, 2010,V8(4): 39-44
Zhang Bo,Zhang Jianjun,Li Yitao,Sui Xuhong,Zheng Fang,Lu Qian.Vertical stratification of soil moisture profile of Robinia pseudoacacia plantation in Loess Region[J]  , 2010,V8(4): 39-44
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