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�й�ˮ�����ֿ�ѧ 2010, Vol. 8 Issue (4) :95-100    DOI:
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Comprehensive management measures and benefits evaluation of small watershed in the black soil region of Northeast China:Taking Zhenxiang small watershed as an example
Xu Jing 1,Wang Yuxi 2,Fan Hua 2*
1.Northeast Forestry University,150040,Harbin;2.Institute of Soil and Water Conservation of Heilongjiang Province,150400,Binxian,Heilongjiang: China

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Abstract�� Based on the comprehensive investigation in Zhenxiang small watershed located in the black soil region of Northeast China,the engineering measures,such as slope protection and gully erosion control measures,forest planting and grass seeding,and conservation tillage measures,development and utilization of natural resources were applied in the small watershed.And a preliminary evaluation of benefits led by soil and water conservation was made.The results showed that significant ecological,economic and social benefits were achieved by 5 years watershed management.When soil and water conservation planning was completely implemented in 2008,the amount of surface runoff storage and silt detention by adopting soil and water conservation measures were 306.5 thousand cubic meters and 17 100 t per year respectively,and the soil erosion modulus of the soil erosion area was reduced from 2 350 t/(km 2·a) to 416 t/(km 2·a),the direct economic benefit was 293.9 thousand Yuan per year,at the same time,forest and grass coverage rate increased from 9.0% before management to 12.3%.The results can be served as theoretical guidance for soil and water conservation and vegetation rehabilitation in the Northeastern black soil area.
Keywords�� comprehensive management measures   benefits evaluation   the black soil area of Northeast China     


��,������,����.����������С�����ۺ������ʩ��Ч������——������С����Ϊ��[J]  �й�ˮ�����ֿ�ѧ, 2010,V8(4): 95-100
Xu Jing,Wang Yuxi,Fan Hua.Comprehensive management measures and benefits evaluation of small watershed in the black soil region of Northeast China:Taking Zhenxiang small watershed as an example[J]  , 2010,V8(4): 95-100
http://www.sswcc.org//CN/     ��     http://www.sswcc.org//CN/Y2010/V8/I4/95
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