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�й�ˮ�����ֿ�ѧ 2010, Vol. 8 Issue (4) :27-33    DOI:
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Paradigm of integrated management on soil and water losses in Loess Plateau-gully Region
Bi Huaxing 1,Liu Libin 2,Liu Bin 3*
1.College of Soil and Water Conservation,Beijing Forestry University,100083,Beijing;2.Yellow River Conservancy Commission,450003,Zhengzhou;3.Xifeng Soil and Water Conservation Station,Yellow River Conservancy Commission,745000,Qingyang,Gansu: China

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Abstract�� The Loess Plateau has a long history of Chinese culture and the birthplace of farming,in which,Loess Plateau-gully region is one of the typical geomorphic type in the Loess Plateau,and has the unique natural conditions for agricultural development than that in other regions of the Loess Plateau.For a long time,due to the dual role of natural and human activities,the soil erosion is very serious in this region,surface runoff from plateau leading to the head of gully continues to advance and the area of plateau surface gradually shrieked.On the slope of gully,gravity erosion are serious,and the soil erosion intensity gradually increased.Under the conditions of exceptional natural environment,population pressure and economic development demand in the new era,how to explore the comprehensive control paradigm of soil erosion for gully region of Loess Plateau in the new era is one of the key problems to be solved by technical staff of soil and water conservation and local government.In this paper,the natural geographic features,soil erosion characteristics and socio-economic development needs in the Loess Plateau-gully Region have been analyzed,the existing soil erosion control models are reviewed,at last,the paradigm on comprehensive control of soil erosion for Loess Plateau-gully Region in the new era are proposed. ����
Keywords�� soil and water losses   integrated management   paradigm   Loess Plateau-gully Region     


�ϻ���,������,����.������ܫ������ˮ����ʧ�ۺ�����ʽ[J]  �й�ˮ�����ֿ�ѧ, 2010,V8(4): 27-33
Bi Huaxing,Liu Libin,Liu Bin.Paradigm of integrated management on soil and water losses in Loess Plateau-gully Region[J]  , 2010,V8(4): 27-33
http://www.sswcc.org//CN/     ��     http://www.sswcc.org//CN/Y2010/V8/I4/27
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