Abstract Radiotherapy is one of the three principal modalities used in the treatment of cancer. In contrast to other medical modalities, radiotherapy, with its use of ionizing radiation in the treatment of cancer, relies heavily on modern technology and the collaborative efforts of several professionals. Quality control in radiotherapy is the regulatory process through which the actual quality performance is measured, compared with existing standards, and the actions necessary to keep or regain conformance with the standards. Quality control is one part of overall quality assurance system. In order to standardize the quality control, Expert Committee of Quality Control in Radiotherapy, National Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Quality Control Center,National Cancer Center, develops a set of basic guidelines in accordance with the relevant national laws and regulations, and through referring to the relevant international guidelines. The guidelines covers the following topics:the basic conditions for the carrying out radiotherapy, the type, quantity and qualifications of staff to be equipped with radiotherapy as well as the organizational structure and management system, the basic equipments for carrying out conventional and precise radiotherapy techniques, the development of corresponding quality control procedures, area and shielding of various sites, the process of diagnosis, plan design and treatment implementation of radiotherapy, radiation protection of staffs and patients, and documentation related to patients, equipment and staff.
He Jie,Wang Luhua,Li Yexiong et al. Basic guidelines of quality control for radiotherapy[J]. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology, 2018, 27(4): 335-342.
He Jie,Wang Luhua,Li Yexiong et al. Basic guidelines of quality control for radiotherapy[J]. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology, 2018, 27(4): 335-342.
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