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Backup and restore of planning process in Pinnacle treatment planning system
Fu Guishan, Huang Peng, Zhang Ke, Han Fei, Tian Yuan, Dai Jianrong
Department of Radiation Oncology,National Cancer Center/Cancer Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Peking Union Medical College,Beijing 100021,China
AbstractObjective To design and implement a planning backup and restore system and evaluate its clinical effectiveness. Methods The default TPS menu of data save (File-Save) and system exit (File – Exit) was replaced by user designed script (Script_Save and Script_Exit) which backup the current planning status in a special format besides performing the normal save and exit operation. The treatment plan can be rolled back to any previously saved backup status in case the data were damaged or, the plan quality was deteriorated in the try and error planning process. Results The save and exit operation was simplified by using the user designed script. An extra disk space of 59.4MB per patient was required to backup the planning process and the backup was performed with no impact to the normal planning operation.1.9% of the plans were restored during the planning process. For all of the restoring operations, 65% were performed within 1 day, 80% were performed within 1 week, and 87.6% were performed within 1 month. Some restoring operations were even performed 4 months after the planning. Conclusions The designed backup and restore system is clinical applicable and valuable. Clinical using of the system can improve the planning efficiency and patient data safety.
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Fu Guishan,Huang Peng,Zhang Ke et al. Backup and restore of planning process in Pinnacle treatment planning system[J]. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology, 2018, 27(2): 185-189.
Fu Guishan,Huang Peng,Zhang Ke et al. Backup and restore of planning process in Pinnacle treatment planning system[J]. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology, 2018, 27(2): 185-189.
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