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Consensus and contouring atlas for the delineation of clinical target volume in pre-/post-operative image-guided intensity modulated radiotherapy for rectal cancer
Professional Committee of Radiotherapy for Colorectal Cancer of Chinese Medical Doctor Association;China Society for Radiation Oncology of Chinese Medical Association, Tang Yuan, Jin Jing, Zhu Yuan, Liu Shixin, Yuan Xianglin, Wang Wenling, Wang Xiaohuo, Zhang Zhen, Tian Ye, Gao Yuanhong, Zhang Hongyan, Cai Yong, Chi Yihebali, Jiang Liming, Liu Zheng, Wen Bixiu, Zhang Daxin, Yu Dahai, Wu Junxin, Lin Shaomin, Shi Mei, Li Yexiong
Department of Radiation Oncology(Tang Y,Jin J,Li YX),Department of Oncology Internal Medicine(Chi YHBL),Department of Imaging Diagnostics(Jiang LM),Department of Colorectal Surgery(Liu Z),National Cancer Center/Cancer Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Peking Union Medical College,Beijing 100021,China;Department of Radiation Oncology,Zhejiang Cancer Hospital(Zhu Y);Department of Radiation Oncology,Jilin Cancer Hospital(Liu SX);Department of Oncology,Tongji Hospital,Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Yuan XL);Department of Radiation Oncology,Guizhou Cancer Hospital(Wang WL);Department of Radiation Oncology,Cancer Hospital,Fudan University(Zhang Z);Department of Radiation Oncology,Gansu Provincial Cancer Hospital(Wang XH);Department of Radiation Oncology,Second Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University(Tian Y); Department of Radiation Oncology,Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center(Gao YH);Department of Radiation Oncology,Anhui Provincial Hospital(Zhang HY);Department of Radiation Oncology,Beijing University Cancer Hospital(Cai Y);Department of Radiation Oncology,First Affiliated Hospital,Sun Yat-sen University(Wen BX); Department of Radiation Oncology,First Affiliated Hospital,Haerbin Medical University(Zhang DX);Department of Radiation Oncology,Jiangsu Province Hospital of TCM(Yu DH);Department of Radiation Oncology,Fujiang Province Cancer Hospital(Wu JX);Department of Radiation Oncology,Hainan People’s Hospital(Lin SM);Department of Radiation Oncology,Xijing Hospital,Fourth Military Medical University(Shi M)
AbstractObjective To establish a Chinese experts’ consensus for the delineation of clinical target volume (CTV) of pre-/post-operative radiotherapy for rectal cancer in the era of three dimensional conformal radiotherapy, and compile a high-resolution contouring atlas. Methods The consensus and contouring atlas for the delineation of CTV of pre-/post-operative radiotherapy for rectal cancer were drafted by referring to international guidelines and treatment experience of domestic radiation centers. The details of draft were discussed and voted on the annual conference of Professional Committee of Radiotherapy for Colorectal Cancer of Chinese Medical Doctor Association. The final consensus was summarized by the steering committee. Results Based on the strength of the evidence and the consistency of experts’ consensus,the grading recommendations for positioning technology,pre-/post-operative radiotherapy target definition, definition of organs at risk (OAR), radiotherapy dose and fraction were delivered. In addition,the atlas of CTV was demonstrated on high-resolution on CT scan images. Conclusions To establish a Chinese experts’ consensus for radiotherapy of rectal cancer,standardize the radiotherapy process and reduce the variance in the delineation of CTV among different hospitals and radiologists.
Professional Committee of Radiotherapy for Colorectal Cancer of Chinese Medical Doctor Association,China Society for Radiation Oncology of Chinese Medical Association,Tang Yuan et al. Consensus and contouring atlas for the delineation of clinical target volume in pre-/post-operative image-guided intensity modulated radiotherapy for rectal cancer[J]. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology, 2018, 27(3): 227-234.
Professional Committee of Radiotherapy for Colorectal Cancer of Chinese Medical Doctor Association,China Society for Radiation Oncology of Chinese Medical Association,Tang Yuan et al. Consensus and contouring atlas for the delineation of clinical target volume in pre-/post-operative image-guided intensity modulated radiotherapy for rectal cancer[J]. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology, 2018, 27(3): 227-234.