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Effect of body mass index on setup errors in intensity-modulated radiotherapy for cervical cancer
Li Yaning, Lin Chengguang, Yang Xin
State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China, Collaborative Innovation Center for Cancer Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncology of Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, Guangzhou 510060, China
AbstractObjective To investigate the effect of body mass index (BMI) on setup errors in intensity-modulated radiotherapy for cervical cancer and explore the optimal position for patients with different BMI without taking into account the rotation error and the changes in target area and adjacent organs. Methods A total of 90 patients were divided into three groups according to their BMI:light weight group (BMI≤18.4 kg/m2), normal weight group (18.5 kg/m2≤BMI≤23.9 kg/m2) and overweight group (BMI≥24 kg/m2). Thirty patients were assigned into each group including15 patients in the supine position and 15 patients in the prone position. In total, 2250 sets of CBCT scan data of 90 patients were obtained. The setup errors were recorded and analyzed in each group. The margins of the optimal position were calculated according to the formula of MPTV=2.5+0.7. Results When BMI was not taken into account, there was no significant difference in the setup errors between the supine and prone positions in the x, y and z directions (all P>0.05). When BMI was considered, the setup error in the supine position were significantly smaller than those in the prone position in the x and y directions in the light weight group, whereas there was no significant difference in the setup errors between the supine and prone positions in the z direction (P>0.05). The corresponding MPTV in the supine position was 4.76, 4.27 and 5.73mm, respectively. In the normal weight group, there was no significant difference in the setup errors between the supine and prone positions in the x and y directions (both P>0.05), whereas the setup error in the prone position was smaller than that in the supine position in the z direction. The corresponding MPTV in the prone position were 6.42, 10.21 and 4.91mm, respectively. In the overweight group, there was no significant difference in the setup errors between the supine and prone positions in the x and z directions (all P>0.05), whereas the setup error in the prone position was smaller than that in the supine position in the y direction. The corresponding MPTV in the prone position were 5.88, 5.26 and 5.32mm, respectively. Conclusions Without taking into account the rotation error and the changes in target area and adjacent organs, when the BMI≤18.4, the supine position is recommended. When the BMI≥18.5, it is better to choose the prone position.
Fund:Pearl River S&T Nova Program of Guangzhou (201710010162);Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (2017A030310217);Guangdong Medical Science and Technology Research Fund Project (A2020516)
Corresponding Authors:
Yang Xin, Email:yangxin@sysucc.org.cn
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Li Yaning,Lin Chengguang,Yang Xin. Effect of body mass index on setup errors in intensity-modulated radiotherapy for cervical cancer[J]. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology, 2021, 30(2): 186-190.
Li Yaning,Lin Chengguang,Yang Xin. Effect of body mass index on setup errors in intensity-modulated radiotherapy for cervical cancer[J]. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology, 2021, 30(2): 186-190.
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